Computer Vision Lab, University of Wurzburg, Germany

Radu Timofte

research at the confluence of

machine learning, computer vision,

and robotics



Computer Vision Laboratory (CVL) was founded by Prof. Radu Timofte in the fall of 2021 and is part of both the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (CAIDAS) and the Department of Computer Science (IFI) at University of Wurzburg. Until 2022 Prof. Radu Timofte led the Augmented Perception research group which he founded in the summer of 2016 as part of Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zurich headed by Prof. Luc Van Gool.

Our mission is to explore new ways to equip machines with (super-)human perception capabilities and at the same time to augment the human perception using the developed algorithms and the computational power of the machines.

Leader: Prof.Dr. Radu Timofte

Radu Timofte

Radu Timofte is Full Professor (W3) and Chair for Computer Science IV at University of Wurzburg, in Germany, and holder of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. From 2013 until 2022 he has been first a postdoc and then (since 2016) a lecturer and research group leader in the Computer Vision Laboratory, at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, working with Prof. Luc Van Gool . He obtained a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at the KU Leuven, Belgium in 2013, the MSc at the Univ. of Eastern Finland in 2007, and the Dipl. Eng. at the Technical Univ. of Iasi, Romania in 2006. He serves(d) as a reviewer for top journals (such as TPAMI, TIP, IJCV, TNNLS, TCSVT, CVIU, PR) and conferences (ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS) and as an associate editor for top journals: Elsevier CVIU, IEEE Trans. PAMI , Elsevier Neurocomputing and SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. He serves(d) as an area chair/SPC for ICCV'19-'21, ECCV'20-'24, ACCV'18-'22, CVPR'21-'25, IJCAI'19-'21,'24-'25, NeurIPS'24-'25, AAAI'24-'25, ICLR'24-'25. Radu Timofte is part of the organizing teams of ICIP'26 (Tampere) and ECCV'28 (Bucharest). He and his team received multiple awards, including a 2022 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Award and a 2021 Romanian Academy Award. He is co-founder of Merantix, co-organizer of NTIRE, CLIC, AIM, MAI, AIS and PIRM events, member of IEEE, CVF, and an ELLIS Fellow. His current research interests include augmented perception, mobile AI, multimodal learning, image/video compression, restoration, manipulation and enhancement.

Postdocs and PhD students at CVL, University of Wurzburg
Guests, Visiting and HiWi students at CVL, University of Wurzburg
Postdocs at ETH Zurich (co-supervision with Prof. Luc Van Gool )
  • Dr. Yawei Li (2022), now: lecturer at ETH Zurch,
  • Prof.Dr. Yulun Zhang, (2021-2022), now: Prof. at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
  • Prof. Dr. Hao Tang, (2021-2022), now: Prof. at Peking University,
  • Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang, (2019-2022), now: Prof. at Nanjing University,
  • Dr. Martin Danelljan, (2019-2021), now: Apple,
  • Dr. Andres Romero, (2019-2022),
  • Prof. Dr. Zhiwu Huang, (2018-2021), now: Prof. at University of Southampton,
  • Prof. Dr. Shuhang Gu, (2018-2020), now: Prof. at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
  • Dr. Nikolay Kobyshev, (2018-2019), founder of Assaia,

PhD students at ETH Zurich (co-supervision with Prof. Luc Van Gool)
Project staff
  • Angela Castillo Aguirre, 2021-2022, visiting PhD student from Universidad de los Andes
  • Tianyi Li, 2021-2022, visiting PhD student from Beihang University
  • Anfeng He, 2019-2020, visiting PhD student from University of Science and Technology of China
Master thesis projects
Master semester projects

Workshops and tutorials

We are co-organizing several workshops and tutorials, focused mainly on image and video restoration, enhancement, manipulation and compression. With these events we are aiming at providing a meeting place for the active people in each respective field and at promoting new research topics and new benchmarks. Below is a list of these events.

We are proud of the support of and the collaborations between the organizers, PC members, distinguished speakers, authors of published papers, challenge participants and winning teams.


Publications (check Google Scholar)

Latest update 14:42 2024/11/19